The world of animation is in constant change, where reinvention and creativity push the limits of storytelling in animation. Advanced courses are available for rigging, compositing and technical director training.

Interested in instructor-led training instead? Artists can also find Harmony Fundamentals on Toon Boom Animation’s Training Portal for $999 USD, along with specialized courses for Cut-out Animation, Paperless Animation, Introduction to Rigging, Introduction to Compositing and Harmony Fundamentals for Gaming. Explore Self-directed and Instructor-Led Training Options Harmony Fundamentals offers a more comprehensive introduction for artists with ambitions of working in a studio environment.

The $35 USD starter series, You Can Animate in Harmony, is intended to quickly train artists to pick up and use Harmony Premium for personal use over the course of the 21-day free trial. Harmony Fundamentals is the second video series which Tony Ross developed for The Animation Study in partnership with Toon Boom Animation. The course is designed to introduce users to Harmony’s interface and draw frame-by-frame animation, create colour palettes, animate cut-out puppets, create a basic rig structure, stage a scene and create camera motions, as well as add effects, basic lighting and colour correction. Learn Toon Boom Harmony Premium in 10 Hoursīy the end of the 10-hour series, artists should be ready to work with the core features of Toon Boom Harmony Premium. It eases you into Harmony Premium without being overly-intimidating.” Harmony Fundamentals walks users through the basics of using the rigging tools in Harmony Premium. There are even some basic rigging exercises that you go through. “You get to play around with the Node View and how to work with compositing. “You are learning some of the most efficient ways of actually working, with how to name your layers, importing elements, working with your brushes and different tools,” said Tony Ross, discussing his experience teaching Harmony Fundamentals for Toon Boom Animation’s Online Training. This course is the ideal introduction for artists who are new to the industry or are familiar with other animation tools. Participants learn how to use core features and functionalities of Harmony Premium, including but not limited to traditional animation concepts, basic frame-by-frame animation, cut-out animation, rigging and compositing. Harmony Fundamentals is intended for artists who are new to Harmony and want to gain a foundational level of general knowledge in the use of Harmony Premium, the industry-standard 2D animation software. Tony Ross teaches artists to use Harmony Premium for paperless animation, rigging, cut-out animation and compositing.